Our course and beacons

Our Course and Beacons

“Rivermaas is a Dutch shipping company with a high-quality network in shortsea shipping that naturally wants to take its share in creating a sound, safe shipping sector with a future. A future with high-quality services for investors and shippers.”

Our course

Rivermaas believes it is essential to get everyone on board when the customer’s interests are involved. The company also believes in team play that is based on three cornerstones:


Relationships of trust define a platform on which parties cooperate to jointly create added value in the shipping sector, while retaining their own identities.


The focus at Rivermaas is on investors who have an affinity with shipping and want to build a network from within Rivermaas. Rivermaas wants to represent the interests of investors transparently.


Deploying a committed crew of both officers and sailors on the ships and providing optimum support for them are an important part of achieving the goal. The approach taken by Rivermaas is that a crew should take and be given their own responsibility.

Our beacons

“Rivermaas is aiming to remain a relatively small and flexible organisation with a network of specialist cooperation partners.”

Over the coming years, Rivermaas wants to take part in new shipping projects that fit that vision, together with investors and for its network of investors. That is why Rivermaas wants to attract more investors too.

By making its own investments as well and continuing to take responsibility for the technical management of ships, Rivermaas believes that it can create its own signature in the investors eyes in terms of technical management, crew management and financial management.

Any resulting growth in the organisation must be subject to the condition of the quality being retained in all areas. This is how Rivermaas wants to make its name: as an organisation that contributes to responsible innovation of investment and technical management in short sea shipping, as a good employer and as a flexible, open organisation.